ATMC NZ recognizes and acknowledges the unique place of Te Iwi Māori, and our vision and core values are based on adhering to the guiding principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
Vision: O Mātau Matakite – Inspiring world changers through education (No te mātauranga te hurihanga o te ao)
OUR MISSION: Ō Mātau Whakatakaka – World class education delivering success for life and social impact (Te mātauranga nui o te ao ka whakatake te piki ora)
Our Values: Ō Mātau Uara – Wisdom, Passion, Connectedness, Heart (Mātauranga, Aroha, Hononga, Ngākau)
OUR ACADEMIC PHILOPSOPHY: Ō Mātau Ohia Akoranga – To nurture people through wisdom, passion, connectedness, and heart (Kia hapaitia te tangata no te mātauranga, te aroha, te hononga, me te ngakau)
ATMC NZ is committed to providing the most up-to-date and relevant courses to meet the demands of students and employers. As a leader in international education, ATMC NZ provides a pathway for international students seeking higher education in the fields of information technology, management, film and digital media production, in New Zealand and abroad.
We are a New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) registered Private Training Establishment (PTE) (MOE Number: 9188). As a tertiary education provider, we are also a signatory to the Education (Pastoral Care of Tertiary and International Learners) Code of Practice 2021. Information on the code of practice can be found on the NZQA website As a new provider, ATMC NZ currently does not hold an NZQA Category rating.